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Check Out and Check In Features


Since Assembly Planner is a multi-user environment, it requires you to check out an entity before editing it. This prevents different users from editing the same data at the same time. This check out feature pertains to parts, bills of materials, routings, operations, activities, and resources.


If you see a lock symbol next to the ID in the search control, or in the header, it means the entity is available for checkout. No one is working on it at this time.


Lock Symbol


If you see a red caution symbol, it means the entity has been checked out to someone else.


Red Caution symbol


If you don't see a symbol next to the ID, it means you have already checked out the entity. 


No Symbol


When you check something out, the system creates a local copy for you to work with, everyone else still sees the master copy while you are working.


When you check something back in, your local copy becomes the master copy.


To see a demonstration of how to check out and check in a routing process, please watch the video.

For more on Assembly Planner, please visit our Solutions page here. If you have any questions, please contact us and we'll get back to you shortly.

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