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PFEP Overview with Customer Perspectives

Video Transcript:


Back over here behind us, this is a kanban bin that's driven by Proplanner. So what happens is this is a disposable label and it's a tugger driver that was back here a little while ago with the cart, he'll come by he'll look for empty bins, he'll pick up the empties, scan them, so he'll if this was an empty you'd be on top he scanned the barcode, and then that signals the printer over and our 3pl Magnum warehouse that prints out the kanban label and that's the queue they'll take that label and then they'll go replenish the bin. 


So what they've done is they've decanted a bunch of these parts over in their facility and then  we have trucks coming every half hour so then an hour I should expect to see this bin come back. 


Not a lot of our ekitting out of here so if we move an activity as part of a balance it gets recorded where that moves to. so our next step in conjunction with hopefully working with Proplanner, because right now this is all manual process.


What we want to do and what we're been piloting for a while now is a scanner, so using Proplanner's process I know from engineering central my part numbers get fed in which we're installing rendering Central Life part numbers get fed into the system so that gives me visibility to a PFEP plan so I know what changes are happening so in the PFEP plan I indicate which parts go on what cart and then Proplanner knows both my line set in my plan for each part and then it combines all that and says when I scan that cart, the system knows what the next unit that goes on there and then the scanner goes through a list of this is part number one this is part number two or then the operator physically has to scan the bin location to say yep at one point in time I stared at the right part. He didn't separate the rock went on but I stared at the right part so I know that this part goes into my kit.


Proplanner's PFEP module is the plan for every part logistics database that serves as the master repository for all of the company's internal logistics and materials handling information. PFEP is integrated into Proplanner's Assembly Planner and when you use with the Line Balancing and engineering change modules your part plan data will be automatically updated when any product or process change is made.


This means that you will always know where each part is being consumed and therefore when and where it should be delivered. Before defining your part plans there are some information that enter that will help you create your part plans. You can store detailed information for each container used to store and transport materials. You can also store detailed information for every material cart in your facility.


Within this system Kanban parts are typically carried in containers whereas kitted parts are carried on carts. You'll also enter location data to your database notifying every workstation supermarket dock warehouse and dock location in which your parts are stored.


In PFEP your output methods are the ways in which a notification is delivered when replenishment is necessary. Your replenishment systems help model the systems that manage different types of parts Kanban, kitting, direct, or sequence replenishment parts.


Now we see some sample part plans. Each part plan defines the origination and destination point of any movement, as well as how material handlers will know when to transport it. You can view all part plan records at once, search for specific part plans, or use the sorting and filtering tools to narrow the number of plans shown.


If you're using Proplanner's eKitting module, Assembly Planner will automatically generate printable rack labels so that parts can be electronically tracked as they are removed from their storage racks and delivered to their destination. If you're using Proplanner's eKanban module you can create Kanban labels to track parts as they move throughout your facility.


In addition, you can generate reports in the PFEP interface to track and understand the movement of parts throughout your facility.


Please see our website or check for more videos to learn more about Proplanner's eKanban and eKitting tools. By using PFEP to manage your internal logistics data, you will far surpass your ability to keep records up to date as opposed to creating static documents in Excel or other spreadsheet tools.


You can transform your internal logistics operations and drastically improve your ability to provide your shop floor workers with the necessary parts to keep up with your production schedule.


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