How To Use BOM Export
Assembly Planner stores two different Bills of Material (BOMs) within each revision of each part number, the Engineering BOM (eBOM), and Manufacturing BOM (mBOM).
In general, the eBOM consists of the ‘as designed’ bill of material and covers all parts that engineering has deemed necessary to create a parent part. The mBOM on the other hand can house things that engineering does not have, but are necessary for actual manufacturing. Common mBOM only examples are things like weld wire, Loctite, and packaging material.
Generally, the Assembly Planner application uses the mBOM for almost all downstream references, such as eKanban, eKitting, virtual assembly, and shop floor work instructions. There are often requests by users for external auditing and reporting on these BOMs, so Proplanner designed a quick and easy to use BOM export tool.
The BOM export function of the component module can be used to export a single or multi-level BOM with any fields related to the Item/BOM. Additionally, the export can be filtered by Date, Unit serial number, or left unfiltered. These exported BOMs can be used to give part lists to purchasing, delivery lists to logistics, and raw material requirements for fabrication areas.
To use the report, you search for the part within the component module, click on the relevant revision, and select ‘Export BOM’ within the Actions menu.
The Export Bom selection will provide access to a pop-up window with a range of export options.
Select BOM Type: Choose to export either the mBOM or eBOM
Select Export Template: By default, it will export the standard BOMExport template and there are no other options. Creating Templates is explained later in this section.
Multi-Level BOM export: Choose whether to export only immediate children of the part selected or the full indented BOM.
Filter BOM Data: Choose the effectivity criteria
Show all: No filter, full BOM
Unit Serial Number: Filter the BOM for a specific unit, using its date
Effective Date: Filter the BOM for parts effective on a specific date
Click export to continue. The application will ask you for a save location and a filename. Standard windows naming rules apply, and it will use the extension of the template chosen. Navigate to the path chosen and the file will be created and available for use. The report has three tabs by default:
Inputs: This will show you the Item selected and the filters chosen at the time of running the report.
Item ID |
Item the report was run on |
Item Revision |
Revision of the item |
BOM Type |
Multilevel |
Multi-level or single |
Filter Type |
Filter type chosen |
Filter Date |
Date chosen (optional) |
Filter Unit Serial Number |
USN chosen (optional) |
BOM: This houses the BOM information that was exported. If there is confusion on any of the fields, contact Proplanner support.
Errors: Will log errors during report generation
BOM export templates
By default, the export has only the original standard fields related to the mBOM where ‘level’ is the number corresponding to the depth of the part below the original parent the report was run for.
Level |
ItemID |
ItemRevision |
Description |
ParentID |
Quantity |
OpSeqNo |
EffectiveFromDate |
EffectiveToDate |
UnitSerialNumberStart |
UnitSerialNumberEnd |
This list of fields can be expanded to include all standard fields related to item and BOM by default, as well as all custom fields. If you wish to add custom fields, contact Proplanner support for the fieldnames. The full list of standard fields is below.
To add to the set of fields to be exported, simply add the fieldname to the xls, xlsx, xlsb, or xlsm template being used and update it in the Template manager.
FieldName |
DisplayName |
Entity |
BillType |
BillType |
ComponentFindNumber |
ComponentFindNumber |
EffectiveFromDate |
EffectiveFromDate |
EffectiveToDate |
EffectiveToDate |
IsEBom |
IsEBom |
IsMBOMPermanentRecord |
IsMBOMPermanentRecord |
LastUsageFlag |
LastUsageFlag |
LineItemType |
LineItemType |
ModifiedBy |
ModifiedBy |
ModifiedOn |
ModifiedOn |
NewPartFlag |
NewPartFlag |
OpSeqNo |
OpSeqNo |
PlantID |
PlantID |
Quantity |
Quantity |
QuantityChgFlag |
QuantityChgFlag |
Remark |
Remark |
RemovePartFlag |
RemovePartFlag |
RevChgFlag |
RevChgFlag |
SourceUID |
SourceUID |
TimeoutFlag |
TimeoutFlag |
UnitSerialNumberEnd |
UnitSerialNumberEnd |
UnitSerialNumberStart |
UnitSerialNumberStart |
Description |
Description |
Item |
IsModel |
IsModel |
Item |
IsOption |
IsOption |
Item |
ItemTypeID |
ItemTypeID |
Item |
LastChangedByECx |
LastChangedByECx |
Item |
LastRevNo |
LastRevNo |
Item |
LineType |
LineType |
Item |
MarkForExport |
MarkForExport |
Item |
MfgItemStatusID |
MfgItemStatusID |
Item |
Name |
Name |
Item |
PrimaryUnitOfMeasure |
PrimaryUnitOfMeasure |
Item |
ReplacedByID |
ReplacedByID |
Item |
ReplacedByRevision |
ReplacedByRevision |
Item |
ReplacesID |
ReplacesID |
Item |
ReplacesRevision |
ReplacesRevision |
Item |
Revision |
Revision |
Item |
SeriesIn |
SeriesIn |
Item |
SeriesOut |
SeriesOut |
Item |
Size |
Size |
Item |
StockingType |
StockingType |
Item |
ToDate |
ToDate |
Item |
Weight |
Weight |
Item |
WeightUnitID |
WeightUnitID |
Item |
The standard version of the report will include the basic standard fields, which will line up with what the Assembly Planner Component module has for the BOM. Below is an example showing the BOM for 03C01XT in the excel export and in the application mBOM.
The true power of this export is flexibility. The example below shows that anything can be added above the fieldnames in the BOM tab, as long as the last line with text is simply fieldnames.
In addition, many tabs can be exported to the MS Excel spreadsheet file, including tabs with macros, formulas, etc. This feature allows users to simultaneously export multiple datasets for use in subsequent applications. Users can export the base data, hit refresh, and generate many different tabs via a user-defined macro.
The example below shows the results of a simple macro that referenced the data from the main BOM tab and generated a tab for each department based on the Item Class.
In this example, a few reports are exported based on the export of a new sub-assembly being implemented:
Purchasing is given their tab comprised of all purchase parts within the multi-level mBOM, highlighting both purchase parts that have no source or cost (Red) and parts that may need an alternate source for emergency situations (Yellow) for assembly 93786372. Purchasing subsequently fills out missing information before the assembly is launched to the floor.
In addition, the Fabrication area receives all manufactured items with machining time, machineID, and program number. The report is set to flag any Fab part that does not currently have a program or machine tied to it. Fabrication engineers will then set up programs to make the parts which are currently not defined, allowing the floor to be able to create the parts as needed.
As work is done within Assembly Planner, these exports and reports could be rerun, ideally showing no red flags at the end, showing that the mBOM is fully set up, parts have been ordered, tooling is set up, programs generated, etc. With everything ready to go, the users can be sure they have done all work required to launch an assembly on the floor.
This is just one example of the use of the mBOM export, basically using it as an auditing tool as new assemblies are introduced. There are different ways to use the export, but most revolve around auditing multi-level mBOMs against information required to produce the same on the floor. While there are multiple reports within Assembly Planner, BOM Export is one of the most frequently used.
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