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Admin View Configuration

How To Use Default View Settings Administration in Assembly Planner


Assembly Planner has the ability for users to create different views in most grid controls including Routings, Operations, Activities, and Components. These views can be easily saved and retrieved so that users can improve their productivity by viewing only the fields they need, and in the order they need them.


Setting up a custom view can be done using the right click>>customize view menu. Within this menu, users can add/remove fields, change the width of fields, and re-order fields.


Custom View



Selecting fields is as simple as dragging them from the master list on the left to the visible list on the right. Selected field lengths can then be edited by clicking on them and setting their size in the textbox located in the lower right of the screen. Changing field order is accomplished by selecting a field and using the up and down arrows on the right. Finally, users can add this as a new view by simply selecting a name for it and choosing the Add button at the top.


Custom View Fields


While any user can define their own views, admin level users can set a starting state or suggested set of views for all users. Admins often create predefined views for new users that may need direction about important fields as well as those which should be ignored.


To set up these multi-user views, admin-level users must first customize the views within their account. Once this is complete, Admins can use the Tools>>Manage view settings to bring up the settings manager where these global views can be assigned.


Manage View SettingsView Settings Manager


The administrator can then ‘Export Current Settings’ to a location of their choosing, thus generating an XML file of their views. This XML file includes ALL screens, and all ‘Current Views’ the administrator has created so far. Likewise, Admins can choose to ‘Load Default Settings’ (essentially restore the Proplanner default view). Finally, they can restore a previous version or delete backups that are created each time a new template is loaded.


To change the system default, the administrator that has exported their current settings (default name: DefaultViewSettings.xml) to a file path may load the same file into the template manager. In order to do this, the user must go to ‘Admin Tools,’ select ‘Template Manager,’ and then choose ‘Configuration Files’ from the dropdown.


Configuration Files


Then simply import or drag in the DefaultViewSettings.xml file.


Default View Settings


This sets the default view as an option for other users. When users log in, they can be prompted to accept or decline the new default. If they decline, they will retain their own views. Currently, the system assumes the newest ‘viewsettings.xml’ file is the most up to date and will use it as the system default.




Once selecting “Yes,” Users would see something like the below example created to show only what is required for simple work instruction authoring but hiding everything else. The standard screen has many fields set to visible (right) that are standard in our application, but not necessary for work instruction creation using our simple VWI template. Below you see all the fields shown to visible, requiring the user to know what is required.


Fields Required

Applying the administrator created view significantly lowers the number of fields to be viewed, simplifying the experience for new users, directing them to only the fields that are necessary.


Administrator View

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