Shop Floor Viewer – Redlining Capabilities
Proplanner’s newest updates now include additional CAD Model capabilities. In more recent releases of the application, Proplanner has added a module referred to as Virtual Build. In our most recent efforts, the Virtual Build Module now has the capability to integrate your CAD Model with your process data, visually seeing the correspondence of consumption as you transition throughout your process. Our Shop Floor Viewer application has incorporated a very similar visual appeal by adding the CAD Model to correlate to digital work instructions published to the Shop Floor. More specifically, the user now has the capability to manipulate the CAD Model directly, or images/screenshots from the model, with Redline Markups.
Purpose behind Redline Markups
The Redlining feature allows a user to visually draw attention to changes directly on the CAD model, images, or screenshots taken within the Shop Floor Viewer application. To capture changes, the project drawings are redlined. The redline markups draws attention to the identified changes for the operator responsible for performing the tasks related to the change.
Markups are commonly used to introduce new products, display changes to an existing project, communicating issues more clearly, further effort to minimize human error, and improving quality related issues. Redlining markups allows the ability to communicate across teams related to specific parts/areas of an assembly.
Specific Markups
Redlines can be added to CAD Model directly, or any images/screenshots of the model. Any screenshots taken of the model will be saved under documents within the Shop Floor Viewer application. Redline markups may consist of specific text, shapes, lines, or arrows, callouts, highlights, etc. The example below shows a CAD model with ellipse redlining markups.
How to Add Redline Markups on a CAD Model
Shop Floor Viewer: CAD Model w Ellipse Redline Markups
The user can circle a part, directly on the CAD Model, that cannot be installed due to X. This markup will only be visible in the viewpoint for which it was created for the model. Notice the boxed arrow pointing towards the CAD Model located in the upper left corner of the window. When selected this arrow will list the process tree of viewpoints related to the CAD Model and the arrow will update to point away from the model. The user can use the list of viewpoints to update the parts they would like visible within the assembly for the shop floor operator. When the user would like to hide the list of viewpoints, they would simply reselect the arrow to orient towards the CAD model, hiding the list of viewpoints.
Shop Floor Viewer: CAD Model
Shop Floor Viewer: CAD Model w/ Viewpoints Visible
How to Add/Modify/Erase Redline Markups on a Screenshot
Once a screenshot is captured, it will save to the documents section of the application, specific to the unit where captured. Once the user opens the screenshot from the documents section, the user can update any notes or select edit to change modes and begin to modify the screenshot with markups (additional details listed below).
Documents: Screenshot Captured & Opened
Screenshot: Edit Mode – Redline Markup w/ Text & Arrows
Screenshot: Edit Mode
Edit mode allows the user to markup the chosen screenshot, using the redlining tools located on the ribbon above the image. Moving from left to right across the ribbon, the tools have been outlined below.
Square: Click, drag, and release to desired size of outlined square
Ellipse: Click, drag, and release to desired size of ellipse
Freehand: Click and drag to create freehand line
Arrow: Click to place the tail of the arrow, drag and release to show the arrowhead
Text: Click to add default text size; click and drag to release at desired text size
Highlight: Click, drag, and release to desired size of area highlight
Text Callout: Click, drag, and release to desired size of text callout
Shaded Circle: Click, drag, and release to desired size of shaded circle
Ruler: Click, drag, and release to desired size of ruler shape ---
Note: This feature is only for visual representation and does not have measuring capability within a screenshot
Straight Line: Click, drag, and release to desired size of straight line
*Notice upon creation, each item allows ability to adjust size/reshape/rotate*