28 February 2023
Assembly Planner and Shop Floor Viewer Change Log
Released February 14th, 2023
- Enhancements
- General
- Base work step template changes for IoT printer
- New QA ribbon added to the Virtual Build Module
- Activity initiated label printing
- Utilize Activity-Workstep to initiate the generation of a PDF file and association to the Unit-Documents
- Utilize Activity-Workstep to initiate printing of the PDF file
- QA Module
- Added dock manager for QA header control
- Added dynamic header, rewrite saving and restoring of QA Header layouts
- Added ability to display multiple revision data on the same sheet
- Multi select field editing for customize view properties
- Inherit default view's customize view property settings, when adding a new view
- Shop Floor Viewer
- Optimizations for models and stations in Batch report and force partial sign-off when batch totals are updated
- Added page-up and page-down key handlers to work instructions for activity advancement
- Fixed hot-issues counter bug
- Lengthened the timeout on the kitting dashboard
- IoT
- IoT Printer – Move the Print service over to the worker service instead of being on its own
- IoT work step auto advance and reset changes
- Added a messaging map for synchronization of IoT
- Added a TemplateType message for IoT to make sure the correct IoT template is loaded
- General
- Bug Fixes
- General
- Fixed ‘OperationText’ field displays as ‘ActivityText’ for Process Structure Activity Imports
- Fixed invalid row index error in Order Data Management – Options list – Find next. Replaced custom search for order dates and option list forms to automatically sort and filter the sheet
- Fixed custom filed not showing in the import UI, issue related to changed column duplication
- Virtual Build
- Enable copying consumption grid values, even when the process entities are checked-in
- Fixed restore default layout issue that hides FMEA related panels
- QA Module
- Fixed formula issues related to handling values from drop down list
- Fixed an error while enabling the operation level fields visible in activity entity
- Fixed sort order issue while saving revisions and in the generated revision comparison report
- Fixed standard report error when show for child processes is checked
- Disabled editing the process related fields after standard QA report is generated
- Fixed revision combo box reset issue upon save
- Fixed header panel repaint issues
- Fixed column header issues when multilevel header groups are created
- Line Balancing
- Fixed an error in line balancing WI report, when moving or removing activities from the process library
- General
Released January 23rd, 2023
- Enhancements
- General
- Enabled multilevel BOM selection for component search control, child status query report
- Adding new publishing settings option for publishing all models
- Add customized ECO workflow that makes lifecycle stages optional
- QA Module
- Removed conditional formatting and formulas from Customize View and enabled it only through Custom Fields Manager
- Added station operator filter in QA module
- QA module icon changed
- Shop Floor Viewer
- Batching – added hyper-link to the build list, which displays detailed order status of an unit
- Enabled multi-line filtering for batch time results report
- IOT Enhancements – allow stations with space in name, console logging, and reattach for SignalR
- General
- Bug Fixes
- General
- Fixed invalid cast error when importing consumption data
- Enabled spreadsheet sort and filter on the Parent Part Description column in the consumption control
- Fixed missing item fields in Check-in Validation Manager
- Corrected advanced search bug caused by editing field selection form in Check-in Validation Module
- Virtual Build
- Fixed broken splash-screen instance while performing auto-build model option mapping
- QA Module
- Fixed issues with module- level access in QA Module role privileges
- Prevent duplicating of QA records issue when activity is reused
- Line Balancing
- Operators won’t be added to line balancing total operator count, if they belong to the excluded stations from the balance
- Corrected dictionary key error when computing task option rates in line balancing
- Shop Floor Viewer
- Fixed tool tip issues on drop down buttons
- Fixed error when loading summary tile at operation sign-off
- Corrected WI report UID issue
- General
Released January 4th, 2023
- Enhancements
- New approval workflow
- Work Instruction revision expiration warnings
- Work Instruction template updates
- Worker service and assembly planner publishing changes
- QA Module
- Added role privileges to QA standards
- Functionality to save and view multiple revisions
- Functionality to add groups to the QA Module column header fields through customize view
- Functionality to edit the customize view field properties
- Ability to add formulas and conditional formatting for QA sheets through customize view properties
- Shop Floor Viewer
- Functionality to attach SFV documents (image/ video/ media) to Hot issues, Roadblocks, NCRs, Test failures and Activity skips
- Bug Fixes
- Time Study
- Fixed error loading calculated time in MOST code
- Shop Floor Viewer
- Fixed issues with pin code sign-off
- Time Study
Released December 22nd, 2022
- Enhancements
- General
- Customizable component module header control
- Item – imported, newly added, and cloned items are created directly in the checked-out state
- Added customizable item check-in validation configurability to the UI
- Automate setting DateOfDetermination value for cloned activities during MCO PDF Publishing
- Implemented MCO workflow setup for ECO and ME initiated changes
- Approval to promote ECO processing status prior to BOM/ Item export
- Ability to control the scope of BOM/ Item to be exported via MCO item checklist
- QA Module
- General enhancements
- Show for child processes allows users to view and edit data from the higher process levels
- Customizable QA module header control
- Virtual Build
- QA Module functionalities merged into Virtual Build (Routing/ Operation/ Activity)
- Show QA control multi-select process tree results in spreadsheet
- Shop Floor Viewer
- Added – 'Ad-hoc' add parts function to test failure
- Test Failure
- Added new action for 'Add Part Modify mBOM'
- Added new Role Privilege, allowing filing test failure action type
- User Interface
- Users can input the quantity, item revision, serial number, lot, and manufacturing date against the added part record on the New Action screen
- Update EVIRUnitItemSummary report for Test Failure-Action
- Modify the Components tab to display parts on the unit, including those added outside of a work instruction revision
- Test Failure
- Added the following file format types as acceptable extensions to the video import streaming service - .mp4, .m4v, .mpg, .ogm, .ogg, .wedm
- Allow users to attach documents (images/ videos/ files) associated with Test Failures. These documents can also be viewed within the work instructions
- Allow for editing all Hot Issue fields from the SFV
- SFV/reference document changes to show images in reference docs and header margin changes
- Removed build list filtering using previous stations on additional batch information
- Fully functional Job Cover Matrix
- General
- Display station sign-in/ out screen upon SFV login – tied with role privilege
- Display warning/ notification page to the user – where station specific alert messages and PPE requirements are shown
- Station logout warning message when sign-in is still active
- SFV Administration
- Bulk user import
- Creating/ managing station and operator qualifications
- SFV list management
- Template Management – to upload/ manage PPE and Work Step Key images
- Email/ SMS Management – notify line lead upon operator sign-on, when the operator does not meet station qualification
- Role Privileges
- LogoutAfterStationSignInOut – Used to sign-out the operator from station
- ShowStationSignInOutAfterLogin – Displays station sign-in/out page when users log in to the SFV
- Reports
- Job Matrix – highlights operator/ station qualification and operator experience
- Employee Assignment – assign a qualified operator to a station
- Sign-in/out report – shows operator/ station parameters and missing qualifications
- General
- Added – 'Ad-hoc' add parts function to test failure
- General
- Bug Fixes
- General
- Image Editor – Insert, and ribbon tools are enabled
- Enabled editing of custom fields in the Virtual Build consumption grid
- Fixed dynamic header custom field behavior issues in the component library
- QA Module bug fixes
- Time Study
- Corrected idle time calculation errors in MTMB reports
- Corrected broken border and pie chart paint issues in MTMB reports
- Line Balancing
- Fixed error when dragging tasks from unassigned list to station/operator list
- Fixed error when attempting to delete all folders from Scenario Manager
- General
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